Saturday, March 12, 2011

Penguin Bulletin Board

Here is our penguin bulletin board display! Students worked at home with their family members to make these AWESOME versions of Tacky the Penguin! We had all kinds of Tackys...a sheriff, a hula dancer, a girl with high heels, a Santa, and many other adorable ones. I hope you families had as much fun making your Tacky the Penguin as we had sharing them and displaying them :) Don't forget our new Family Project: A Leprechaun Trap! (We want some gold!) Check out this link for the original Tacky the Penguin book. There are many sequels to Tacky and his friends' adventures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just adore penguins and learning about them. This week I posted 101+ activities and crafts to do with a penguin theme and included a link back to this post. It was sooo cute. I hope our readers stop by and visit your site! Thank you for inspiring others to craft, learn, and connect with their children.